Aqua-hot Exhaust Upgrade – Stainless!
Our 2015 Entegra Aspire Aqua-Hot exhaust tips were a mess after 3 years living on the road. Sure it was our fault for not properly maintaining the chrome exhaust tips but with all the work you need to do on an RV, this just didn’t seem to be make it onto the priority list except on wash day when it was too late. Once the pitting started the rust took over and that’s all she wrote for the stock exhaust tip!
Exhaust tips come in a variety of materials but chrome and stainless steal are common. Chrome has the ability to be easily polished, is inexpensive and produces a mirror shine when properly maintained. Stainless steel doesn’t produce quite the shine, but unless your rocking a chromed out Harley it is pretty hard to tell the difference. Stainless steel is for the most part.. stainless!! Meaning it does a much better job resisting rust and other corrosion which makes it worth the extra money in our opinion. In this video we replace our chrome exhaust tip with a stainless steel model that is much more resistant to corrosion and rust!

Onan Generator Exhaust Replacement Tip
Amazon Links Below!
- Exhaust Tip:
- 2″ to 2.5″ stainless exhaust adapter:
- Generator Exhaust Tip Option (Cummins Generators):
- Anti-Seize Lubricant:
- Ridgid Jobmax Cordless Tool:
- Ridgid Jobmax Corded Tool:
- Ridgid Jobmax Complete Head Kit (individual tools can be purchased at home depot):
I just found your YouTube channel – great stuff. We also have a 2015 Aspire with the 400LP Aqua “NOT”. I was wondering if you experienced any issues with the horrible sound while the unit is working? There are several blogs discussing the howling sound which I have been on the phone with tech support for hours. They will not call it a recall but there was a change in some exhaust piping that solved the noise problem. My unit’s serial number was just outside the change. Are there any other solutions???