Erik & Kala
Erik & Kala are full time RV’ers who have been on the road since early 2015. They love to live life to the fullest, traveling across the country blogging about their travels and experiences.
Erik & Kala met the old fashion way, at a bar lol! They grew up in Fairfield County, Connecticut going to the same high school. They met through mutual friends and… the rest is history! Erik works full time at Axiom Technology Group, a technology integration company he co-founded in 2010. Kala works as freelance Operations & Human Resources consultant for a variety of businesses.
After planning their adventure for nearly a year, they made the decision to blog about their trip both for fun, and also to help others in planning trips of their own. Erik & Kala are recently engaged and will be getting married in October of 2018.
Sake (like the Japanese rice wine)
Erik & Kala are joined by their partner in crime Sake, their 9 year old Siberian kitty (pronounced like the Japanese rice wine). Sake spends the majority of his days standing on Erik’s keyboard trying to stop him from working or building blanket fortresses in the bedroom so he can catch some zzzzz’s.
Some of Sake’s favorite pass times are sleeping, sun bathing, playing with the lazar pointer, 5:00am exercise (this consists of running from one end of the coach to the other in the middle of the night) playing with packing peanuts or any cat toy for that matter and being pet (or as we call it getting scratches). Sake also loves to eat. He especially loves ham. He will actually sit down on command and eat out of your hand.
We have also found that the older Sake gets the more he like his routine. Around 10 pm or he will meow at us until we all go into the bedroom.
We aren’t sure he loves traveling as mush as we do, but once we get to our destination he likes going on walks to check out the new surroundings. As he has been an indoor cat for his entire life, he’s slowly adjusting to life on the road (and a leash!).
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