05・Are There Maps of Los Algodones, Mexico?
Google Maps has detailed maps of the streets of Los Algodones. You can click the map icon shown here to open a maps of the area that you can customize based on your destination.
We recommend you familiarize yourself with the streets of Los Algodones before you cross into Mexico. Know the streets and know your route to your destination. A tourists who knows where they are going is much less likely to run into trouble. Its very unlikely you’ll have an issue, the locals are there to help and will provide directions upon request, but we recommend planning your route regardless. Verizon cell service works, but it is spotty at best so don’t plan on relying on your phone for maps or communication.
Directions to Rubio Dental Group
If you are looking to visit Rubio Dental Group like we did, then you can click the map shown here for a detailed map of walking directions to the Rubio Dental Group offices. On our map you’ll see our primary route in blue (dots) and alternate routes shown in grey. Our recommended route will take you down 1st Street and Avenue A which is a alleyway full of shops and all sorts of fun local merchandise. We prefer to go this route as it avoids the cars and gives us something fun to do on the walk! If you don’t feel like walking you can always call Rubio and asked to be picked up at the boarder which they will do free of charge.