Kala’s Last Day at Work!
Good Bye Corporate! Hello Open Road!
Can’t believe that my last day is finally here! After months of planning, prepping and preparing I’ve hopefully trained and passed on all my knowledge to leave my old corporate work life in a good place. It is truly a bittersweet feeling. While there are things I will definitely not miss like having the same routine everyday… you know getting up at 6 am, getting ready, sitting at a desk all day, driving the same route home. Or having to follow processes that just seem silly to me but you need to follow them because that’s how big companies work. Yeah! Not going to miss that! But there are some things I will miss like that small feeling of knowing exactly what to expect each day. Of course it is exciting to experience new things everyday but it is definitely a bit nerve racking to live in a house on wheels where I have no idea how it works. I mean I’ve done the research but cross our fingers nothing goes wrong. Think about it … there is nothing scarier than having an accident that not only wreaks your mode of transportation but your house all at the same time!
The thing I will miss the most are my work friends. I’ve met and worked with so many amazing people. They taught me so many things that I will take with me throughout the rest of my life and for that I’m forever grateful. I wish them all the best and will miss them very much.
On to the next step of working and living on go! Wish us luck and remember to subscribe! This way you can follow us and get email notifications on posts about this amazing (but somewhat crazy) journey around the US.
See you on the road!
Hey Kala,
Michele just told me about your adventure so I’m excited for you and looking forward to hearing what you have to say. If you in the Austin area, look us up. Happy travelling!
Love, JoAnn
Go girl. Looks like fun trip is coming.. Let me know what fun music you hear along the way!
Thanks Matt, will do. We are just getting settled in but posts will soon start flowing from Kala and I!