08・What Dentists Did You Consider? Who Did You Choose?

We spent quite some time researching Mexico dental practitioners and narrowed our search to 3 dentists we felt had the best qualifications. Their information is below. We’ve also opened up this FAQ to your comments. If you have a dentist you highly recommend please mention them below along with a description of why you recommend them.

Below is a list of dentists that made the final cut from our research. These dentists met the requirements of our research and were our top 3. Our final selection is listed last.

Dr. Guillerno Marquez Reyes – 928- 271-5548, – http://www.losalgodones.com/dr_g_marquez/

Dr. Eva Urena  (619) 866-6992, – http://www.losalgodones.com/dra_urena/

Rubio Dental Group – (928)723-0015, (Who we chose) – http://www.dentalrubio.com/

Since we were a bit skeptical at first we chose to book our appointment through the Dayo Dental Group. Dayo Dental partners with Rubio Dental Group. Dr. Rubio and Dr. Cezar are both owners of their practices. Due to their credentials and high reviews we decided to use them for Erik’s dental extraction and implant procedure.

Note: The doctor’s office will provide the doctor’s credentials prior to visit upon request. 

(A big thank you to Nina from Wheelinit for her comprehensive article on Mexico dental that aided us in our search. Her article can be found here).


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